Alone. Confused. Scared.
Years forgotten, people missing, evil occurring. There aren’t many who believe him, but there is one who needs his help and friendship more than anything else.
It’s life or death. What’s done is done. No going back. No second chances. It’s up to Travis to do what he thinks is right, and pay for the consequences later.
He has to find them. He needs to escape. He has to protect. He needs to remember…
That is the plot of Elizabeth Harm's wonderful book, The Forgotten 3. I've read it, and I think it is amazing! Elizabeth, or Bessie as her friends call her, though only eighteen is a very gifted author, and I think she could storm the world (or at least the United States) with her book.
I had an awesome opportunity to interview Bessie about her book, and I hope you will enjoy it.
Brenna: How old were you when you began your novel?
Bessie: I was twelve-years-old. The story of Travis Brent wasn't my first idea. I was writing a story that was very similar to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and after I noticed that I was "stealing" J.R.R. Tolkien ideas, I knew I needed to change a few things. So after a few years and many rewrites, I finally had my OWN idea.
Brenna: Do you remember what you were doing at the time the idea to write a book came to you?
Bessie: I was reading J.R.R. Tolkien book, The Hobbit, and decided I wanted to write my OWN epic.
Brenna: Did you develop a close bond with your characters after a while?
Bessie: Yes, I did. I put a lot of my characteristics into Travis Brent -- the way he reacts to certain situations, his attitude and outlook -- almost everything you see in Travis has a lot to do with my characteristics. So I had a very close bond with Travis. And Sierra Claire... I LOVED working with her character. Every one of us has a little bit of the British Redhead inside. Some show it more than others ;). But I had a close bond with Sierra Claire, and enjoyed developing her throughout the book.
Brenna: Who published your book?
Bessie: Publish America. www.publishamerica.com
Brenna: Can fans be expecting to see a sequel to The Forgotten 3 on the horizon?
Bessie: Yes, hopefully. I'm working on a sequel, but right now have only progressed not even half-way into the outline. So it may be a while ;)
Bessie's book can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.