Saturday, May 1, 2010

Top Five Books for April

5. This is a very difficult decision, but I think that Nightmares Edge by Bryan Davis has earned fifth place. I might not have enjoyed it as much because I had stopped it in the middle and then restarted a while later, but I also felt a little confused at times about what was happening. It moved super fast, and sometimes I had a hard time picturing what was going on.

4. BoneMan's Daughters by Ted Dekker. Okay, so the beginning of this one was great. And so we're all excited for the grand finale, the huge twist, and.... it just went pwooosh in the last few chapters. So I was left sitting there, thinking, "Wait, that's it? Wha- What happened? Where's the giant BOOM?" I don't know, but it seemed like it was just too easy for the main character, Ryan Evans, to defeat BoneMan.

3. Blink of an Eye by Ted Dekker. This book was amazing, and I learned a lot about Saudi Arabia =D It was just great. Nough said.

2. Green by Mr. Dekker. It made the Circle Trilogy come full circle. (I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself from the cheesy pun) It filled in so much stuff from the other Circle books and especially the Paradise Novels. Although it seemed to lack the strength the previous novels in the Circle had shown, it was still magnilicious. (Lol, Circle joke :D)

1!!!!. Numero Uno goes to..... *drum roll* Thr3e by Teddy Dekker!! Yay for mister Ted! *confetti*
Thr3e was just... just... breathtaking! It kept you guessing throughout the whole novel, which is what I love about Mr. Dekker. He is an amazing contemporary writer if there ever was one.

Thanks for reading!
In His Service,