Last week I was at the most amazing, fun, cool, awesome, fantastic, enjoyable, great, and all around spectacular Christian camp in the whole wide world. It's located on a sort of smallish mountain in the Laramie Peak mountain range in Wheatland Wyoming. This was the fifth year I've attended the camp, and guess what? I was in the senior division! (and will be for the next three? years) 'Twas awesome =] I had the greatest cabin-mates, team-mates, class-mates, and teachers.
What do you do at this camp? That's easy: Learn about God and have a boat load of fun!
You have three classes throughout the day (mine were "The Revelation", "Grace U", and "Wild or Wise; What Will YOU Choose") You also have your three meals, recesses, a Singspiration time, a time to learn about missions, and crafts or recreation. Later is a clean up time, a rest and study period, and after that... SURPRISE TIME!!!! (will later go into a story about that...) Then you have cabin devotions, evening service, and then bed time.
Surprise time: This is where the counselors and camp helpers perform super funny skits AND it is also a time where campers can volunteer to do crazy things. What did I volunteer for? Camp Grace FEAR FACTOR! Me and a boy were chosen out of the crowd of campers and were sat on a bench and given, guess what, SPAM. Whoever ate the most spam in one minute won.
Now, for those of you who have never eaten spam or don't know what it is, it's this: DISGUSTING. It's this ground up mysterious stuff (kind of like no one knows what's in a hotdog) that's really greasy in a can, that old people tend to enjoy.
Anyways, I just started shoving the stuff in my mouth, and at one point I was sure I was going to give into my gag reflexes and vomit the stuff, but I used my awesome will power and continued eating it. I didn't have much competition though, because the other kid was just nibbling at it, and by the time a minute was up I had about two thirds of the stuff eaten. I won that round! Yay! But for the rest of the day my stomach wouldn't stop rolling. >_<
So then for the finals, I went against two boys and another girl who had won other rounds. The plate they gave us to eat off of had a dog biscuit on it, some oysters (thankfully not the Rocky Mountain kind, hehe), pickled beats (which I detest), and mashed pea baby food. I went for the dog biscuit first because that was a familiar food (I had eaten dog food as a little kid), then attacked the baby food, and got a few oysters eaten, but I looked over at Laura and all she had left was the baby food. So I quit eating then and she won. Yay Laura!!! =) I was very impressed by her iron stomach, because she didn't puke after all that.

My mom was a cook again this year, so that was fun to have her around (and get to shower in her private shower! Even though the only temperature on it was ice cold, I would much rather be cold than not have any privacy)
Oh, and we actually had a mouse in our cabin. ACK! So I had a couple of Oreos in that tube plastic wrapping, and I'd had it on my bed, but when I found out there was a mouse living with us, I put the oreos (in the wrapper) on the floor so the mouse wouldn't climb on my bed to get the tasty morsels. Thankfully when morning came I discovered that my oreos had made it through the night un-nibbled. YES!! =D
For recreation (I never do crafts) we got to play volleyball and an awesome game called Human Stratego (VERY FUN). Then on Thursday we got to climb up a hill for rec, and on Friday we got to have a water fight.
Two of the nights during the week were dress up nights where you dress up fancy-like, and then on one of them there's a talent show before chapel. I didn't participate, but some of my friends did, and they had some really cool stuff that they did!
On Friday night after chapel we all gather around a bonfire and people can come up and share their testimonies or tell about what God has been doing in their lives. It's a really neat event.
To view the rest of my CG pics, go here: http://img25.imageshack.us/g/life058.jpg/
Well, that's about all I have to say about camp. Hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
In His Service,