Friday, August 13, 2010

Six Reasons Why Magazines Are Stupid

Okay, so that's actually quite an exagerated title. Magazines aren't really stupid... just some things about them are. =P In fact I used to LOVE getting my American Girl magazine in the mail every other month... I even now like flipping through my little brother's Lego magazine and looking at the Star Wars sets. But as we were traveling to Nebraska yesterday my mom was reading a few magazines and these things popped into my head.   6 things about magazines that I find silly:

1. You can read a 200 page magazine in about fifteen minutes to half an hour. It takes about 1-4 hours (just a guess) to read a 200 page novel (small print)

2. It's about the same things over and over again, basically. (How to shed 2 pounds in two weeks; How celebrity moms handle kids, husbands, and life; What the First Lady thinks about stuff; etc.)

3. The cover model's head usually covers part of the title.. I mean, what if a foreigner came over and was looking at the magazine rack in Wal-Mart?  They'd be like, "Goodeeping? [GoodHouskeeping] Reok? [Redbook] Outoorife? [OutDoorLife]"

4. You've got at least 30 pages with ads on there, and some of it isn't an ad! It's the side affects for Advil or something! And who wants to read THAT?

5. There usually aren't any useful columns... (unless you're reading something like a hunting magazine that tells you how to clean your duck decoys)

6. The recipes are beyond my cooking skills.

**This post is not meant to slam any magazines or offend their readers. It is for entertainment and amusing purposes only**

Haha, this post is more of a filler. I couldn't think of anything else to blog about XD

In His Service,