I was walking along the edge of an extremely wide crevice one day, when I noticed a bridge up ahead. I quickly ran to it to see if it could take me across the crevice. When I reached it I noticed several things: There were many people gathered together on the bridge, it only extended a little ways across the gap, and there was a sign posted by it. The sign read, "Appearances". It was then that I saw what was on the other side. A very large sign that read, "God".
I saw another bridge up ahead. I hastily made my way towards it, and I saw that it too only came halfway across the crevice. Again many people were gathered on it, and again I saw a sign posted by it. This sign had the words, "Good Works" on it.
Disappointed, I ran on and on from bridge to bridge, searching desperately for the bridge that could take me to the other side of the gap. Finally, just as I was about to give up my search, I saw a bridge with not as many people on it as the others. This bridge, however, stretched from one end of the crevice to the other. I was elated. I had found it! I had found the bridge that could take me to God. The sign by this bridge had letters written in blood red. The letters spelled out the words, "Jesus Christ".
Who likes my epic doodling skills? And the stick people? Awesome, I know. :P
In His Service,
ReplyDeleteThis is really cool Brenna. I'm proud of you for doing what you want and doing what you enjoy. God has some big plans for you. Keep following him and he will guide you.
Your sister in Christ
Megan :)