Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost
Friday, June 17, 2011
SDW: Day 6
Ah, sorry it has taken so long. Seems like all I've been doing for the past two weeks has been riding, branding, riding, and.... branding. And then going different places in between. Anyway, this piece is one of my personal favorites. Enjoy.
I don't want to go home and face the music,
Because the symphony they compose
Isn't beautiful.
Everyone is playing a different song
That no one can follow.
Two instruments duel for the main role,
Each trying to play the loudest.
Their noise causes an unbearable clamor
And even the most resolute must cover their ears.
Angry notes, full of contempt, are thrown back and forth
Until they can play no more.
The crowd waits in collective silence.
Who will play the next hate filled note?
Who is angry enough to continue?
The crowd still waits with bated breath,
And when they raise their instruments again to their lips
The audience cringes.
There is no telling what may come next
Until it happens....
And suddenly it does.
Now, the battling couple turn to their audience of one
And unleash all of their fury on the crowd.
The crowd is silent, but tears trail down its face
As it takes its undeserved punishment.
Who would have guessed that this would be the end,
There being to victor, but instead prey?
And it will continue on this way until the ticket expires,
And the crowd must leave.
A pity that such an innocent audience must endure
A discontented symphony.
In His Service,
Sunday, June 12, 2011
SDW: Day 5
While I should be studying to take my driver's permit test, I sit here. Typing. You had better enjoy this.... :P
I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even be without You.
I am in no way complete or perfected when You are not within me. At times I can't even breathe, because You are not here.
You consume my soul and my very being. Yes, my whole life. All that I am and ever will exist to be! You own everything I am. You are my Master, and I Your humble servant.
What am I without You? A shell. A living, breathing, cadaver. Cold, heartless, dead, and completely undone.
Never leave me! Never cause me to be cast into such a state of despair, of helplessness, selfishness, and hate!
Never leave me, and don't let me leave You.
In His Service,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
SDW: Day 4

We're already to day four?!?! Where has the time gone?
I lay quietly upon the naked earth.
The smell of the flowers fills my nostrils,
And the green grass tickles my face.
I am completely at peace in in this field.
I sigh contentedly as the breeze tousles my hair.
There is no time here... no deadlines.
There are no busy people milling about, and yet I am not alone.
There is a presence, so serene,
And so powerful.
The presence, it is the source of the peace.
The presence grows stronger, and I can feel it behind me,
As though it is human.
I roll over and smile when I find that
It was no human at all.
No, because the presence that stood before me
Was not of the flesh.
He is perfect, completely unsoiled
By an earthly thing.
He smiles at me,
And I laugh with pure joy.
He lies down beside me
And whispers in my ear.
We lie for unmeasured amounts of time
Just talking.
Finally, we both stand.
He gently takes my hand,
And we walk towards the never-ending sunrise.
I am home.
In this, I decided to use sunrise instead of sunset, because it represents a dawning of a new, glorious day. I didn't want to put sunset, because it seems to foreshadow a coming of darkness. Even though I love evenings and sunsets far more than sunrises, I figured a sunrise sounds more hopeful.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
SDW: Day 3
See, I told you I am a very busy person. So, after missing a day of posting, here is your third bit of writing to savor:
Who shall call upon the Lord?
He who has a heavy heart?
He who longs for comfort and strength?
He cries upon the grass,
He whose sorrow reaches below the sea,
Who has lost his dearest possession:
His son.
The Lord cries with the wounded man,
For He has felt his loss.
"Sons!" God cries out, "What loss can be equaled?"
The Lord knows His creation's sorrow well.
He sympathizes with the son-less man.
He weeps with and holds His child.
But then the mourning must end,
When the hope of morning dawns.
The Lord lifts the chin of the man,
And smiles softly at him,
Though His eyes tell of pain.
"It must stop, this mourning.
But never forget your loss.
Your son is as Mine,
He resides in My land now.
They shall be together,
And both shall come down from the Heavens
With a grand host.
We shall all be reunited again
In the clouds."
He who has a heavy heart?
He who longs for comfort and strength?
He cries upon the grass,
He whose sorrow reaches below the sea,
Who has lost his dearest possession:
His son.
The Lord cries with the wounded man,
For He has felt his loss.
"Sons!" God cries out, "What loss can be equaled?"
The Lord knows His creation's sorrow well.
He sympathizes with the son-less man.
He weeps with and holds His child.
But then the mourning must end,
When the hope of morning dawns.
The Lord lifts the chin of the man,
And smiles softly at him,
Though His eyes tell of pain.
"It must stop, this mourning.
But never forget your loss.
Your son is as Mine,
He resides in My land now.
They shall be together,
And both shall come down from the Heavens
With a grand host.
We shall all be reunited again
In the clouds."
Hope you enjoyed. :)
P.S... Don't like it in poetry form? Let me know! The only reason I format it that way is that I believe it is easier to read.
P.S... Don't like it in poetry form? Let me know! The only reason I format it that way is that I believe it is easier to read.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Seven Days of Writing (SDW): Day 2

Now for the second installment of SDW. Not as good as the last. Mostly a bit of rambling, really. But, here goes...
I see the clock upon the wall
And wish it would just move faster.
I wish that time would pass much more quickly
For so many reasons.
I'm stuck here in this boring class
And the only thing I have to do is doodle
And write rhyme-less poetry.
I cannot listen to this man
Who claims to be a teacher.
He must have ten-year
To keep on babbling.
On and on he talks,
Speaking words that fall on deaf ears.
I think of freedom and I sigh.
If I gained freedom
It would be much sweeter were it spring.
Since I began writing these pointless words
Several minutes have passed
But not enough.
I beg the hands, "Please!
Oh, please pass by those tiny points
Just a little bit faster."
Meandering Poetry.
And wish it would just move faster.
I wish that time would pass much more quickly
For so many reasons.
I'm stuck here in this boring class
And the only thing I have to do is doodle
And write rhyme-less poetry.
I cannot listen to this man
Who claims to be a teacher.
He must have ten-year
To keep on babbling.
On and on he talks,
Speaking words that fall on deaf ears.
I think of freedom and I sigh.
If I gained freedom
It would be much sweeter were it spring.
Since I began writing these pointless words
Several minutes have passed
But not enough.
I beg the hands, "Please!
Oh, please pass by those tiny points
Just a little bit faster."
Meandering Poetry.
You've probably guessed that this was written in that dreadful third hour science class, haha. :) Hope you somewhat enjoyed it.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Seven Days of Writing
I haven't written a blog post in months. I send my sincere apologies to all of the people who are bored enough to check and see if I've posted anything new. Sorry.
Although writing at the moment is seems to be just outside of my grasp, I can supply you with things written in the past. In a third hour science class. (The only reason I will miss Mr. Brackeen's science is that is where all of my best poetry was written.) So for seven days (because I could only find seven pieces worthy of sharing) I will show you what was accomplished during school. Each night in the following week...or two (I am a very busy person, you know)... I will post a new piece of writing. Everything from rhyming poetry all the way down to story-like pieces, some in the form of poetry.
This one is one of my favorites. It actually rhymes, and you guessed it, was written in Mr. Brackeen's physical science class. I don't have it named, so I would love suggestions. :) It is a bit dark, but of course has a spark of light in the end. The darkness was an experiment, to see how well I can generate and portray emotions in my writing. I hope some of it also relates to experiences people have had. Anyhow, please enjoy.
Breath of the darkness
Envelopes my heart
Escaping this emptiness
Could tear me apart
The demons, they claw
To gain sway of my life
I have this one flaw
That will bring me to strife
This knife-like pain
Cuts deep into me
It's Satan's gain
That no one can see
On the outside I smile
Like everything's fine
Yet, all the while
I'm crossing this line
To step into evil
The easiest path
My fast-fading will
Heralds much wrath
I long to turn back
Redeem myself
But hope I lack
Even love itself
Is it all right
To fumble in dark
Dark like night
Unwelcome by lark
Or is it far better
To tread in light
Where shackles and fetters
Wrists do not bite
I don't want to be captured
By things I should fear
But instead be enraptured
By Christ's suff'ring tears
Please excuse my lack of rhythm and meter in the poem. It's something I haven't yet mastered... or much been taught. :)
Six days to go!
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