Sunday, June 12, 2011

SDW: Day 5

While I should be studying to take my driver's permit test, I sit here. Typing.  You had better enjoy this.... :P

I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even be without You.
I am in no way complete or perfected when You are not within me. At times I can't even breathe, because You are not here.
You consume my soul and my very being. Yes, my whole life. All that I am and ever will exist to be! You own everything I am. You are my Master, and I Your humble servant.
What am I without You? A shell. A living, breathing, cadaver. Cold, heartless, dead, and completely undone.
Never leave me! Never cause me to be cast into such a state of despair, of helplessness, selfishness, and hate!
Never leave me, and don't let me leave You.

In His Service,

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